Corporate Work Study
Critical Updates
We are continuing to monitor the situation regarding COVID-19 closely. As things develop, it will likely become necessary to update guidance on a number of matters affected by the spread of and response to the virus.
Business Partner Site Visits – If students are not deploying to a business partner, we recommend suspending the conduct of site visits to those partners as well until further notice. Similarly, if the school is closed, we recommend ceasing CWSP operations which includes the conduct of site visits. Additionally, we are inquiring with the DOL if this requirement can be waived to account for the shutdown caused by Coronavirus as many site visits are conducted during this timeframe each school year.
Make-up days - If the school is open (as in not closed due to weather or health related emergency) and the CWSP is operating, you should proceed to have students execute make-up days as is your protocol, or incur associated consequences (fine, demerit, etc.) If the school is closed and CWSP is consequently also closed, then students should not execute make-up days even if the business partner is itself open for business, nor should associated consequences be incurred by students.
CWSP Contract - While there is uncertainty around both school and CWSP operations, it is not advisable to proactively offer contract reimbursements, or contract cancellation at this time. This is an event of unclear duration, and therefore it would be premature to do so. Should a business partner originate such a request, feel free to contact the national office for further guidance.
We are happy to discuss any of these concerns or others at any time, and understand there are countless variables each school is weighing in their decision making process. Please reach out with any questions or comments.
CWSP Contingency Plan

Time Cards
If students are not going to work at all there is no need to issue or complete a time card. Similarly, if the student is not working remotely for CWSP, there is no need to issue or complete a time card, as there is nothing to document.
If students are doing either, then a time card should be issued to and completed by applicable students in order to capture that the work was performed during the allowable hours (7:00am-7:00pm, not more than 8 hours in a day, or 18 hours in a week). If students are working remotely, please remind them of the hours restrictions. Work cannot be performed outside of the above timeframe.
While not required, some schools have expressed interest in continuing to issue time cards to students to keep in the routine. Instead of documenting workplace tasks and/or reflections, students are encouraged or instructed to document their distant learning activities via their time card submission. Again, this is not required, but if this is something your team is interested in implementing please contact Charlotte Klein for more information as it is necessary to modify some settings in Salesforce
CWSP Guidance
This is a quickly evolving situation, and we recommend monitoring COVID-19 developments and guidance coming from the CDC and local health departments to continue to ensure the safety and health of all students and families, faculty and staff, and business partners.
While there is a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the present situation, there are a few steps we can take to prepare for the measures that many of our business partners may take in response to COVID-19. In addition to maintaining student health and safety, which remains our top priority, the following recommendations aim to address the three primary considerations for CWSP regarding COVID-19:
Of course, there are many other variables to weigh during this time, and we hope to address as many as we can within each section. If there is anything that remains unaddressed or suggested guidance is unclear, please do contact the CWSP staff at the national office to discuss.
1. Which partners are impacted and how?
For companies, business as usual is not an option in response to coronavirus. CWSP staff should review existing job partner rosters to assess which partners could be most affected by disruptions caused by coronavirus. As possible, involve members of your jobs committee to leverage their insight into how particular companies or industries may be affected locally. We strongly encourage you to stay in close communication with your partners during this challenging time. Click here for more information on communications
At this time, many partners are offering employees the flexibility (or requiring employees) to work from home, enabled by virtual communication and collaboration tools. Many of our student workers support personnel or departments that fall into this remote work category. CWSP staff should identify as soon as possible any policies promulgated by business partners in response to coronavirus disease that may apply to student workers. For example, if business partners have established travel restrictions or reporting requirements for employees, student workers placed at the partner should adhere to those policies.
Office closures will prohibit student worker deployment. In the event such responses take effect, CWSP should first determine if supporting remote work is possible on a case-by-case basis, factoring in the category of work, as well as hardware, connectivity, access to required data and/or software, and other requirements. In addition to the position description, the decision should be informed by student workers and supervisors. Where applicable, CWSP should confirm if a partner will allow current workstreams to be performed remotely. Additionally, or where current workstreams cannot or are not permitted to be supported remotely by the partner, CWSP should inquire about the availability of other work which might be executed by student workers remotely. Where remote work is not an option, please refer to Section 2.
To understand how business partners are being impacted by coronavirus, please review the brief descriptions of the more notable disruptions companies are facing.
Health: those organizations on the front lines of coronavirus treatment. Employees of these organizations are most at risk for exposure to the virus and are in the position most likely to carry or transmit the virus, regardless of whether they have contracted coronavirus or not.
Financial: organizations which will be adversely impacted by the overall market downturn associated with the spread of coronavirus.
Travel restrictions: organizations which are directly affected by government travel restrictions in areas with high volume of confirmed cases of COVID-19.
Social distancing: recommendations to decrease human density will impact organizations who serve large gatherings or people or deliver services which require patrons must be in close proximity or an enclosed space.
Supply chain disruptions: due to disruptions in their supply chain, these organizations’ near-term production will be delayed or halted, decreasing sales and potentially requiring a scaling back of personnel.
Consumer uncertainty: organizations dependent on consumer confidence will be adversely affected by increasingly cautious spending, particularly on non-essential or big-ticket items.
A list of those industries with a significant volume of student placements that are especially vulnerable (and how) is provided below:
2. How do we support non-deploying student workers?
Student worker attendance requirements are unchanged. COVID-19 does not change standard policy, as reiterated in previously disseminated guidance:
If the school closes, CWSP closes. Please note that if closure takes place, academic and CWSP instruction continues. Please see here.
If the school remains open, CWSP remains open; however, if a placement site closes or asks its own employees not to physically report due to implementing non-standard operations, student workers assigned to that site do not deploy.
Non-deployed student workers are not exempt from attending an open school as per our US Department of Labor (DOL) CWSP authorization to operate
The primary considerations for non-deployed student workers include:
Where CWSP staff instruct student workers (space)
What and how CWSP staff instruct student workers (content, method, schedule)
Who instructs and when:
On non-deployed student worker(s)’ regularly scheduled workday/hours
CWSP staff instructs, unless academic faculty, in agreement with their principal, have the capacity to gain instructional hours with student workers for identified academic content areas
Where: Space Planning
What: Content Determination for 9th - 10th Graders
Review the instructional resources (including assessments) for the following College Ready Career Prepared Curriculum Benchmarks:
Decide whether your 9th – 10th graders have engaged in similar content and rigor, including whether they could demonstrate the knowledge/skills identified. If not, please use those materials, which constitute at least four non-deployed workdays worth of instructional time; by further allotting time in-school to complete the “homework” this instruction normally requires, these materials would easily account for four weeks of non-deployment. Ask for assistance, particularly if needed to set up your AES classroom.
If students have already engaged in similar content and rigor, for 9th graders, proceed to 11th – 12th grade guidance.
For 10th graders, has student workers completed the minimum 5 hours of DOL required training? If yes, proceed to 11th – 12th grade guidance. If not, please provide instruction using materials that you have previously used and are familiar with. Ask for assistance to either augment or explore other DOL-related options.
WHAT: Content guidance for 11th – 12th graders
Whereas (i) some CWSPs are already providing 11th-12th grade instruction and we don’t want anything recommended here to cause confusion with the scope and sequence of that pre-existing (and uninterrupted by CoVID-19) CWSP instruction, and (ii) other CWSPs have not provided any professional development for students since pre-matriculation summer training, and it could therefore be frustrating for students to suddenly receive instruction at 11th-12th grade benchmark level; (iii) this guidance is to provide free, vetted, complete, CWSP-relevant, and quality instructional materials that are nonetheless independent of Cristo Rey’s College Ready-Career Prepared Benchmarks.
A benefit to this approach is that (i) week-to-week, student workers can add/drop from these lessons without feeling either behind on arrival or missing out at departure, which is important as week-to-week any, some or all non-deployed students may suddenly be added to your class or go back to work; and (ii) these materials can be used in a classroom with students from multiple grade levels, which may be necessary depending on your space planning, who is non-deployed, and what instruction those non-deployed students have previously received.
The next section lists, with descriptions and links, those above-mentioned resources. If you choose to use other resources, please keep the guidance above in mind as you make those choices.
WHAT: Content for 11th – 12th graders
From Cristo Rey client, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia: What Does the Fed Do? 60-Minute Lesson Plan to accompany The Money in Motion Federal Reserve Bank Museum Virtual Tour (graded as 9-12 appropriate)
From the National Endowment for Financial Education: High School Financial Planning Program, 5 modules of 4-5 lessons each (i.e., with breaks, and opportunity to do those lessons’ “homework” in class, this total content could provide 4 – 5 non-deployed workdays’ worth of material graded as 9-12 appropriate)
From Cristo Rey client, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, and Visa: Practical Money Skills provides 22 free-standing, non-sequential lesson plans graded as 9-12 appropriate (i.e., could cover 3–4 non-deployed workdays)
From Cristo Rey client PWC: Access Your Potential – Financial Literacy provides 11 free-standing, non-sequential lesson plans graded as 9-12 appropriate in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese (i.e., 2 non-deployed workdays)
AES options: in accord with general guidance above, rather than progress with benchmark aligned modules when we don’t know who may be non-deployed or how long these classes will need to be offered, use other CWSP-relevant modules that are nonetheless independent of Cristo Rey’s College Ready-Career Prepared Benchmarks. Recommendations from the Business Fundamentals modules:
Economics (6 hours)
Entrepreneurship (7 hours)
International Business (7 hours)
Job Seeking Skills (8 hours)
Personal Financial Literacy (6 hours)
Ask if you need assistance constructing these classrooms/lessons.
How: Method and schedule for instruction
The Teaching Structures, Strategies & Techniques available from the CWSP Roadmap still apply; however, because there will not be time for CWSP staff to become intimate with this amount of curriculum within time for delivery, it’s okay to make this an adventure you undertake with student workers as co-explorers. Let them know that, as an adult with many years of life and workforce experience, you are an expert guide to help them on their way, but because it was never in your plan to teach non-deployed students, you are not an expert on these materials.
Most of the materials presented have some form of “homework”. Don’t send students home with work to do from these classes. They need to focus on their core academics. Do provide them some time to do that and other (core academic) homework during your non-deployed day.
Other considerations:
Break the day up with some fun, team building and strengths-finding activities that require moving around.
If your space planning results in teaching more than 30 students in a large space, please ask for counsel. It can and has been done successfully, but strategies go beyond the scope of this guidance and may need customization based on pre-existing CWSP-School culture. Otherwise, scope and sequence of instruction is determined by the materials you selected.
Additional Instructional Materials from AES
Courtesy of our online Career & Technical Education (CTE) provider AES, these Resources For Distance Learning are applicable to CWSP and Academics, and are not solely about CTE or content, but also student access and good online learning habits.
3. How can we approach sales planning for next year if this situation persists?
Recommendations for CWSPs facing hesitant contract renewals in response to COVID-19 outbreak
The first suggestion is to bring this potential issue up with your school President, CWSP Board, and/or CWSP Jobs Committee; ask for guidance and suggestions; let them know you will need their assistance.
During a conversation where workplace health concerns are brought up:
Reassure CWSP partners that everyone’s health and safety is the first and foremost concern
Reaffirm that as CWSP & school leadership, your responsibility is to look out for and ensure the health and safety of the students; it is not your aim to send students to unsafe workplaces
Show genuine understanding and empathy to their concerns; listen to what they’re saying
[Sales 101 Tip: Avoid using the words “but” or “however” when responding]
Suggested points to mention (italicized sections are for context only and not intended to be shared with partners):
Suggest frequent consultation with the CDC website and especially the CDC COVID-19 situation summary site
This situation will, at some point, be under control; that will bring stability back to the situation
Ask how partners are handling other contract/vendor situations
Business will continue, work needs to be done, and we can be adaptable to the needs of the current situation
Plan for business as usual
The start of the 2020-21 work/school year is over five months away
Internal preparations to make
Start making a contingency plan
This would probably look similar to what you have in place now:
What to do if a partner closes for the foreseeable future or they pivot to working remotely?
What to do in industries most heavily affected by COVID-19 (healthcare, assisted living, education, etc.)?
What to do if a partner pushes start date back. E.g., “We can start, but not until October 1st…”?
Start a prospect list of new companies
This is something you most likely do anyway; the suggestion here is to add more prospects to the pipeline than you had originally anticipated
Other Considerations
The above guidance is not comprehensive in nature. In the event of widespread student non-deployment, considerations should be given to the impact on other staff members, such as drivers, chaperones, etc., should you not require their services for an extended period of time, whether in their current role, or at all.
Alex Leza
Director of Corporate Work Study